An Analysis of the Store Within a Store (SWAS) Model – Advantages, Disadvantages and Solutions to Its Challenges

A “store-within-a-store,” also referred to as a “shop-in-shop,” is an arrangement where a retailer leases a portion of its retail space to another company. This allows the second company to operate its own independent shop within the larger store. Instead of opening a new branch, retailers position themselves within designated areas in large stores where…

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Introducing Nano: The Future of People Counting

In today’s fast-changing retail and business world, it’s really important to stay flexible and open to new ideas. With technology always improving, any new tool or idea that can make your business work better is important. This can be anything from new software that does tasks for you, new marketing ideas that get customers more…

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The Rise of Visitor Analytics: Key Trends for People Counting in 2024

Advanced traffic tracking, visitor data analysis, cost-effective products, real-time insights, and predictive analytics, let’s explore the key trends shaping the future of people counting. Whether you are a retailer looking to optimize your store’s operations to maximize your revenue or a nonprofit organization seeking to boost your visitor numbers and enhance their experience, people counting…

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Benefits of Staff Scheduling and Optimization

Revamp your store’s efficiency now. Streamline your operations and boost your conversation rates with our analytics software, BoostBI Managing a brick-and-mortar store is never an easy task, especially if you have a crew under your wings, be it a small or big one. While managing your employees can be quite the challenge —in fact, even…

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Tips for Building Sustainable and Green Retail Spaces

There is a greater awareness of the environment than ever before on the consumer side, and who can blame them? This is especially true for younger shoppers, but of course, not exclusive to them. Nowadays, shoppers expect accountability from enterprises they identify with, and showing that you care with actions has become quite important in…

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